
- PY-cord
- HTML (obviously)

- White water kayaking
- canoeing
- paddle boarding


PC Building

About me

I currently go by Snowy, but you might also know me as Shrunkmarrow708.
Im a dyslexic 17-year-old college student that lives in the UK

I enjoy playing a variety of games with my friends and coding in python as part of this have made a couple of discord bots
I have also started to learn HTML and decided to make this website dont ask why.
I spend a lot of my time listening to music or watching YouTube.
2 of my of my hobbies are white water kayaking and climbing
while i may be dyslexic i am still a good reader but my hand writing and spelling are really shit

Sorry had to change from .site to .info since i cant afford £20+ for a domain

as u can see im really not that interesting idk why i made this ;-;


i listen to music way too much

idk why but heres a vid of me rolling a kayak
with my hands.
why this vid? cause its only interesting vid
i had on hand at the time of writing this

if u scrolled this far
you win my bank details

card pic